Wednesday, December 12, 2007

A Birthday Tea Party

It's a Tea Party!

What marvelous fun! That's right everyone, our beautiful little girl is about to turn 4 this month (December 23rd)and in order to officially celebrate with all of her little friends - we cordially invited 5 of Cadence's little friends & their moms to an "oh-so-formal" tea party!

We lavished our dining room with all things pink, purple & frilly - one can never have enough tulle...:) balloons....candies....butterfly sandwiches....but ultimately the crowning masterpiece of the event was the three tiered cake centerpiece created by my friend Nancy Lies and bought by my mom....she truly outdid herself with the cake alone, but also managed to make a couple dozen frosted sugar cookies to match...what terrific fun...

We also had a visit from the lollipop fairy....who magically made lollipops grow where we planted our fairy dust....we played the Cinderally shoe game....where each little girl had to find her matching slipper....and tossed tea bags into one of the many vintage hats that were laying about to make the event a bit more festive! - even the Christmas tree didn't escape the festivities being covered in tulle & flowers!....

This was our first official birthday party for our "Christmas girl"....and we wanted it to be definitely birthday (not Christmas)....definitely girly (as our little girl loves all things pink!)....and definitely just for was great fun!

The night before the party I came upstairs & heard CAdence looking at all the things we had put out saying..."This says, "I lOve CAdie.....This says, "I Love CAdence...."This says, Happy Birthday CAdence I love you.....:) - at that moment I knoew that all the tedious details had come together & she knew it was for her & that it was out of love...and that of course, made it all worth it!

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween!

Greetings everyone!

Yes, it's that time of year when the kids get all gussied up & go out to beg for sweet wondrous treats throughout the neighborhood. Between fall parities at school, halloween party at preschool, a "Heroes" party at the church this evnening & a tumbles Halloween party on Friday....we're about "halloweened" out...:) but I did think I ought to post a few pics from our outing at church this evening ....

Thursday, October 18, 2007


As many of you know Ken & I were more than blessed to spend 5 wonderful days in sunny, warm Ft. Lauderdale the first week in October...we had a marvelous trip! We stayed at the beautiful St. Regis Hotel & were spoiled and pampered by Dex (ken earned the trip through his explorary sales in the previous semester of sales! - way to go honey!)....And more good news came this week as Ken accepted a promotion at his company to Premise sales!

Here are a few quick pis from FL - I confess, I didn't take many at all...I just relaxed & enjoyed for the most part!


Yes indeed there's nothing like a new haircut....

At least that's what Micah & Cadence were thinking last Friday when they played "barbershop"....the damage was done & yesterday we took all three kids to the get "real" haircuts from an actual professional!...they are all looking quite different. I will be posting new pics soon.

Micah looks more than ready for the military with his extremely short buzz....being that he cut several patches at the scalp we had little recourse....Cadence's locks are also a few inches shorter & thinned out considerably.....

Although Grayson didn't take part in the barbershop game...his locks were getting a bit out of he too has taken on a big boy look..with his curls far too tamed (IMO)...;) Photos to come soon!

Another trip to the orchard....

It's that time of year again...and last Saturday we had a glorious fall day! What better time to go to the Apple Orchard? Here are a few pics from our day trip! We also brought a couple big pumpkins home....

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Fall Harvest Apple Orchard

This morning was Cadence's first preschool field trip to the apple orchard. She had a delightful first bus ride, fed the baby goats, picked popcorn & brought home a lovely orange gourd! It was great are some pics from her adventure this morning!

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

A Milestone Week at the Chorost Home....

It's been a fabulous week of milestones here at the Chorost house! Micah was whizzing around on his 2 wheeler (with NO training wheels!) ...a big accomplishment for our not-so-little guy!

And to make the week even more monumental Micah started kindergarten this morning! He is very excited about school & we're praying that he has a good start to the year ahead. Kindergarten for Micah is Mon-Fri half-days, so he will be home just after 11:30 every morning.

Our little girl is also growing up & made her first trip to preschool today! She will have preschool every Tuesday & Thursday morning. She was a little shy & reluctant when we first walked in the room...that is until she saw the paint...paint may just be Cadence's favorite thing of all time (and because it is very messy, we don't get it out as often as she'd like at home....) so she went from clinging to mom to forgetting I was even there...especially when she discovered that not only was there was PINK!...oh the joys of childhood!

So I am enjoying a few quiet moments with our busy 1 1/2 year old....and taking this gift of time to write on my blog & post some pictures.

Blessings to you all!

The First Day of School!

Sunday, August 26, 2007


This is my first official post to my new blog! I was inspired by my dear friend Ann, who is way ahead of me in the blogsphere world :) I've got lots of learning to do!

Welcome! Thanks for checking it out - feel free to check back every once in awhile to see what we all are up to! The kids are growing up soooo fast. The above pics were taken on our vacation the last week in July in Bemidji at Grandma & Grandpa's house. They may be mine, so I might be slightly biased, but don't you think they're rather adorable!